Aloe vera fresh leaf BIO

Aloe vera leaves, nature's green miracle, have had a firm place in naturopathy and beauty care for generations. The succulent leaf holds a secret that fascinates many health and beauty lovers around the world. 

Aloe Barbardensis Miller Marika Sokol Esterházygasse 11A Wien Österreich

Aloe Vera BIO fresh leaf

15,00 €

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Delivery time: Within 12 days

Aloe Barbardensis Miller Marika Sokol Esterházygasse 11A Wien Österreich

3 aloe vera fresh leaves

45,00 36,00 €

Incl. 20 % VAT.

Plus shipping costs

Delivery time: Within 12 days

Aloe Vera BIO fresh leaf


A fresh aloe vera leaf, thousands of years of tradition and hundreds of possible applications. Discover aloe vera for yourself.

Aloe vera leaves contain many health-promoting active ingredients. You can use parts of the aloe vera leaf to heal wounds or for cosmetic applications. And what not so many people know, but should: the pulp (gel) is an incredibly valuable superfood that you can use in many dishes.







Delivery time: Within 6 days


Our body is very valuable. That's why we should always make sure we eat the best quality food and care products. It is an investment in ourselves. And we should be worth it. And we have built up our aloe vera cultivation according to precisely these criteria.

We source our fresh aloe vera leaves from our own farm in the Peloponnese in Greece. We grow the highest quality Aloe Barbadensis Miller there under organic conditions in accordance with the Pure Farming principles. So that we can provide you with something valuable for your body.

There are thousands of ways to use your aloe. You can find out all about the applications in our Book. Aloe can even be eaten, but beware: there is a layer of aloin between the green leaves and the gel. The aloin can be recognized by its yellow-green to orange color. If you cut the leaves, the aloin becomes visible. Aloin can cause irritation, and in large quantities it has a laxative effect on the body. For this reason, it is important that you carefully remove the aloin from the plant before eating the gel or adding it to your drink. We have created a simple guide on how to do this, which you can download here. here can view.

For thousands of years, aloe has been famous for its moisturizing, healing and nourishing properties and is considered a symbolic plant for immortality. Today we know that no other plant contains more regenerating vital substances: vitamins A, B, C, E as well as many minerals, amino acids, enzymes, valuable polysaccharides and much more.

Over 160 active ingredients have been identified in aloe vera. On the one hand, it is used as a dietary supplement to regenerate the human organism. On the other hand, pure aloe vera juice, pure or in cosmetic products, stimulates natural cell renewal, metabolism and capillary circulation in the skin. The plant thus has a nourishing, protective and regenerating effect both internally and externally.


With its soothing, healing and moisturizing properties and an impressive range of applications, the aloe vera leaf is far more than just a plant - it is a symbol of natural care and well-being.

  • Wound healing effect
  • Radiation protection
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Antiseptic effect
  • Positive influence on the immune system & binding of free radicals 
  • Antitumor effect
  • Laxative effect
  • Moisturizing effect
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-acne



Aloe vera leaves - Basic information

Aloe vera is a succulent plant, also known as the "desert lily", and has been used for centuries for facial and skin care as well as for a healthy diet. The gel is found in the leaf and is particularly popular in various areas of cosmetics.

  • Appearance
    The aloe vera leaf is long and thick. It is often green, but can also be gray or bluish depending on the species. The leaf is fleshy and has sharp, serrated edges.
  • Inner structure
    The gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaf is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The leaf bark is removed and returned to nature as organic fertilizer. The juice that emerges is only used medicinally, but is removed for cosmetic and culinary use.
  • Gel
    The gel is clear and slimy. It is rich in water and contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamins (A, C, E and B vitamins), minerals (such as magnesium and calcium), amino acids and enzymes. The most important ingredient is acemannan, a polysaccharide that is practically only found in the aloe plant and is partly responsible for the special properties of aloe.
  • Juice
    The juice made from the aloe gel is sold as aloe vera juice or aloe vera drink. 
  • Care and cultivation
    Aloe vera is an easy-care plant and can thrive in many climate zones. It needs plenty of sunlight and moderate watering. The plant can also be kept as a houseplant, but then does not develop all of its valuable ingredients as it requires a lot of direct sunlight.

Aloe vera leaves for your health

Aloe vera products for digestion

Aloe vera aids digestion due to its potentially soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Relief from stomach problems

Aloe vera can help to relieve stomach complaints such as heartburn, acid reflux and stomach irritation. The anti-inflammatory properties of the gel in aloe vera can help to reduce irritation of the stomach lining.


Aloe vera can also have laxative properties and help with occasional constipation. It contains substances that promote bowel movements and can facilitate bowel movements.


Aloe vera contains compounds such as polysaccharides and phytosterols that can have an anti-inflammatory effect. This can help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, which can occur in conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Intestinal health

The use of aloe vera can support the overall health of the digestive tract by promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A balanced gut flora is important for efficient digestion.

Note: If consumed in excess or improperly prepared from the fresh leaf, aloe vera gel can have a laxative effect and possibly lead to diarrhea. 

Aloe vera products for the immune system

Aloe vera has some potential immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties and thus supports the immune system.

Antioxidant properties

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E as well as other compounds such as glutathione. These antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals in the body that can cause cell damage and weaken the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Aloe vera contains compounds such as polysaccharides and phytosterols, which have anti-inflammatory effects. These can help to support the immune system.

Strengthening intestinal health

A healthy gut plays a crucial role in the immune system, as a large part of the immune system is located in the digestive tract. Aloe vera can promote gut health by supporting the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improving the absorption of nutrients.

General health promotion

Aloe vera can help promote overall health by providing nutrients and helping the body maintain an optimal balance. A healthier body is better able to fight off infections.

Note: If consumed in excess or improperly prepared from the fresh leaf, aloe vera gel can have a laxative effect and possibly lead to diarrhea. 

Aloe vera leaves - care for skin & hair

Aloe vera is important for the skin for various reasons and is used particularly frequently in the cosmetics industry and in naturopathy. 

Moisturizing care

Aloe vera gel is an excellent moisturizer and hydrates the skin without leaving an oily feeling. This is particularly beneficial for dry and dehydrated skin types.


Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe redness, irritation and itching on the skin. It can also be used for sunburn and skin irritation after insect bites or small cuts.

Acne treatment

Aloe vera can help treat acne as it has antibacterial properties and can reduce excess oil on the skin. It can also help to minimize acne scars.


Aloe vera contains antioxidants that can help protect the skin from premature ageing caused by free radicals. It can promote the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to keep the skin firm and supple.


Aloe vera is known for its healing properties and can accelerate wound healing. It helps to repair skin cells and promote the growth of new tissue.

Skin care after sunbathing

Aloe vera gel is particularly popular for skin care after sunbathing. It can soothe redness caused by sunburn and calm the skin after exposure to UV rays.

Natural ingredients

Aloe vera is a natural plant and contains many valuable and nourishing active ingredients. This makes it a gentle option for sensitive skin.

Hydration without clogging the pores

Aloe vera is moisturizing and non-comedogenic, which means that it does not clog pores. Aloe vera gel is therefore suitable for all skin types, especially oily skin.

Aloe vera leaves - Food & Drink

Aloe vera is a versatile plant that plays a role not only in skin care and cosmetics, but also in nutrition.

  • Aloe vera gel
    The gel is edible and is often used in smoothies, juices and desserts. It has a refreshing taste and can help to hydrate and nourish the body.
  • valuable ingredients
    Aloe vera gel contains many important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and polysaccharides. These nutrients can help to promote good health.
  • Digestive properties
    Aloe vera can help with digestion and alleviate stomach and intestinal complaints. 
  • Immune support
    The antioxidants contained in aloe vera can strengthen the immune system and help protect the body against disease.
  • Skin health
    The consumption of aloe vera can also have a positive effect on skin health by combating skin problems from the inside out with the active ingredients of aloe vera.
  • Preparation
    Aloe vera can be used in various recipes from various smoothies and drinks to salads and desserts. 
  • Aloe vera juice
    Aloe vera juice is commercially available and is often mixed with other juices to improve the taste. When buying commercial aloe vera juice, you should pay attention to the quality and additives.
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