Aloe vera plant


Aloe vera is a plant that grows in desert regions all over the world. The pulp of the leaves (gel) is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B12 and has many positive properties for your body and skin. Order your own aloe vera plant from our organic plantation in Greece! With the right care, it will give you many years of pleasure and provide you with beautiful leaves for your cosmetic needs. And if you can wait long enough, you will also be able to enjoy large leaves with beautiful gel as food.

Aloe is so much more than just a pretty ornamental plant on the windowsill, balcony or in the garden:

There are thousands of ways to use your aloe. You can find out all about the applications in our Book. Aloe can even be eaten, but beware: there is a layer of aloin between the green leaves and the gel. The aloin can be recognized by its yellow-green to orange color. If you cut the leaves, the aloin becomes visible. Aloin can cause irritation, and in large quantities it has a laxative effect on the body. For this reason, it is important that you carefully remove the aloin from the plant before eating the gel or adding it to your drink. We have created a simple guide on how to do this, which you can download here. here can view.







Shipping information:

You will receive your aloe vera leaves directly from our organic plantation in Greece. The package made from recycled cardboard will be with you within a few days.


〉〉〉〉〉〉Please note: unfortunately we cannot offer a flat rate for larger orders.〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 


In this case, please contact us and let us know how many leaves, plants or how many packs of aloe drink you would like to order. We will then accept the order personally and tell you how much shipping will cost. 

Please contact us via the following e-mail address:

Known ingredients


important for the daily energy requirement. Acemannan - aldopentose - glucose - galactose - rhamnose - mannose - glucuronic acid - xylose - cellulose


Provide energy, insulate nerve fibers, transport enzymes into the blood and build up natural cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol - campesterol - Betasitosterol


Minerals: Calcium - potassium - magnesium - sodium - chloride - iron - manganese - chromium - Zinc - copper ENYME: Amylases - lipases - proteases - cellulases - bradykinases - Creatine phosphokinases - catalases


Act against bacteria and fungi, soothe and relieve discomfort. lignins - glycosides - saponins - anthraquinones - Isoflavonoids - Essential oils - tannins - salicylic acid barbaloin


Vitamin A - Vitamin B1 - Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B12 - B-vitamin folic acid - Niacin or nicotinic acid - Beta carotene - Vitamin C - Vitamin E


One of the most important tasks of vitamins is to work as a team to protect us from toxins and environmental environmental pollutants. Vitamin A - Vitamin B1 - Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B12 - B-vitamin folic acid - Niacin or nicotinic acid - Beta carotene - Vitamin C - Vitamin E

Source: "ALOE VERA - the plant for health, vitality and well-being" by Prof. Hademar Bankhofer. This book contains a detailed description of how the individual ingredients can have a positive effect on our health and quality of life! health and our quality of life!



Yes, aloe vera is suitable for both external and internal use. As our plants are 100% organic and contain no chemicals, they can be consumed. It is important to carefully remove the aloin (yellow liquid). 

when i cut the sheet, there is only a solid mass. How do I get to the gel?

After cutting the leaf, you should soak up the leaking aloin with kitchen roll. You can then fillet and wash the leaf. Then puree it if you want a gel-like consistency.

can the sheet be stored in the refrigerator?

Yes, the aloe vera leaves should be stored in a cool, dry place. If you have already cut the leaf, we recommend that you also place it in the fridge with kitchen roll over the cut.


Yes, but not the leaf itself, just the inner gel. Fillet the leaf and cut the gel into small pieces. You can store these in an ice cube tray in the freezer. However, after freezing, the gel contains fewer active ingredients and vitamins than the fresh leaf. 


After confirming your order, we harvest the leaves you have ordered and send them to you in recycled cardboard packaging directly from our organic plantation in Greece. 

do you have any other questions about the aloe leaves?

Please contact us at or write to us directly on our social media channels. 


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