
Buy aloe vera plant

Buy real aloe vera plant at Aloe Base

Buy aloe vera plant

The aloe vera plant is one of the most versatile houseplants and is very popular due to its air-purifying effect. The real aloe thrives particularly well in a sunny location and offers you numerous benefits.

Aloe vera plant


Aloe vera is a plant that grows in desert regions all over the world. The pulp of the leaves (gel) is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B12 and has many positive properties for your body and skin. Order your own aloe vera plant from our organic plantation in Greece! With the right care, it will give you many years of pleasure and provide you with beautiful leaves for your cosmetic needs. And if you can wait long enough, you will also be able to enjoy large leaves with beautiful gel as food.

Aloe is so much more than just a pretty ornamental plant on the windowsill, balcony or in the garden:

There are thousands of ways to use your aloe. You can find out all about the applications in our Book. Aloe can even be eaten, but beware: there is a layer of aloin between the green leaves and the gel. The aloin can be recognized by its yellow-green to orange color. If you cut the leaves, the aloin becomes visible. Aloin can cause irritation, and in large quantities it has a laxative effect on the body. For this reason, it is important that you carefully remove the aloin from the plant before eating the gel or adding it to your drink. We have created a simple guide on how to do this, which you can download here. here can view.







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We source our fresh leaves from our own farm in the Peloponnese in Greece. We grow the highest quality Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller under organic conditions.

For thousands of years, aloe has been famous for its moisturizing, healing and nourishing properties and is considered a symbolic plant for immortality. Today we know that no other plant contains more regenerating vital substances: vitamins A, B, C, E as well as many minerals, amino acids, enzymes, valuable polysaccharides and much more.

Over 160 active ingredients have been identified in aloe vera. On the one hand, it is used as a dietary supplement to regenerate the human organism. On the other hand, pure aloe vera juice, pure or in cosmetic products, stimulates natural cell renewal, metabolism and capillary circulation in the skin. The plant thus has a nourishing, protective and regenerating effect both internally and externally.















Versatile & easy to care for

Hardly any other houseplant is as versatile and at the same time as easy to care for as the real aloe vera. 

It is a succulent plant, i.e. one with fleshy leaves, which is extremely decorative and at the same time has positive health and air-purifying properties.


It conjures up a healthy indoor climate and requires very little water. You don't need any special accessories to care for it: well-drained soil and a sunny location - and the real aloe vera is happy.

The best location for aloe

Although aloe vera is always described as a houseplant, you can also plant it outside with your other garden plants in the summer months. Just make sure that it always needs a temperature of at least 10 °C.


Indoors, it's best to place them by a bright window that gets plenty of sunlight. 

In the garden, you can place them in a rock garden or in a pot, for example.

Why you should buy an aloe vera plant

Houseplants such as aloe vera are a good choice for the home for several reasons. Here is an overview:

Exciting facts about aloe vera plants

Buy Aloe Vera plant at Aloe Base

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