GDI Food Conference and innovations in global food production

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Today, the "International Food Innovation Conference" is taking place in Switzerland, a conference on the future of food organized annually by the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI). Why is this significant and why do we want you to find out more about such events?

According to the GDI, the aim of the conference is to "place current trends in an overarching context and develop long-term perspectives for all stakeholders involved." And this is extremely important in order to keep our planet humane. After all, with a rapidly growing human population, we cannot continue to produce food as we have done so far. Otherwise, at some point, humanity will come to an end. The founding of Aloe Base was based on a deeper "purpose" that picks up on these thoughts: with aloe vera, we want to produce ecologically and socially sustainable food that is completely recyclable and leaves no waste behind. It is the mission for our company, which we consistently pursue.

Aloe Base is a "Pure Agriculture" company. On our plantation in Greece, we operate a pure form of agriculture, which we call "Pure Farming". Our aim is to grow our almost 7,000 aloe plants in such a way that they need nothing but good untreated soil, natural spring water and sun to grow. And after several years of natural growth, our plants provide us with leaves that can be used as healthy food, healing products and nourishing cosmetics.

New agriculture and innovative food production go hand in hand. They are both part of a global development whose goal is a world worth living in. Agriculture and food production are key factors in the current environmental problems that we urgently need to solve. And every company can contribute to achieving an improvement.

We look forward to bringing you more conferences, projects and developments here on our blog in the future and hope that Aloe Base can inspire you to lead a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

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